Monday, May 9, 2011

Strive for 60 minutes of exercise a day!

It's easy to get 60 minutes of exercise a day.  It doesn't matter what you do, you just have to be active.  Staying active will help you feel good and give you lots of energy. Try one of these fun activities.
  • Walk your dog or a neighbor's dog
  • Fly a kite
  • Toss a Frisbee 
  • Ask your parents to take you to a state park where you can take a nature hike
  • Ride your bike
  • Skate
  • Rake the yard or pull weeds
  • Play tag
  • Have a hula hoop contest, and see who can keep the hoop up the longest
  • Learn to juggle
  • Jump rope
  • Visit the zoo, amusement park, or museum (lots of walking)
  • Wash the car
  • Shoot hoops
  • Play soccer
  • Play softball
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Put on your bathing suit and run through the sprinkler
  • Go swimming (never without an adult to supervise!)
  • Give the dog a bath. The bigger the dog, the more exercise you'll get!
  • Do jumping jacks 
  • Play miniature golf 
  • Go bowling 
  • Play touch football 
  • Learn hip-hop dancing 

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